Industrial Gases Council Activity Report
Transport (WG-1)
o Documents:
o WG1 members have finalized the revision of Doc 81 “Road Vehicle Emergency and Recovery” with its corresponding Training Package TP 08.
o Doc 52: “Load securing of class 2 receptacles” and Doc 63: “Prevention of Tow away incidents” is under revision in 2020
o Transport of temporary imported DOT cylinders:
A long running issue has been the temporary import of cylinders from the United States into Europe, primarily special gases. It appears we will achieve a permanent change in both the US and European transport regulations.
In the meantime, EIGA has assisted in the preparation of a new multilateral agreement that will enable us to continue business. Multilateral Agreement (MLA 318) on the carriage of gases of Class 2 in refillable pressure receptacles authorised by DOT has been now signed by most of the European countries. Its date of expiry is 1 June 2023. This topic should have been discussed at the Bern meeting in March 2020 (postponed due to Covid 19)
o Another point of attention is the Spanish proposal on optical differentiation of labels for gases, with the intent to help the firefighters in case of fire. If approved, this proposal would lead to change the ADR labels for flammable gases on all cylinders and trucks. EIGA as well as the other concerned industries are not in favour of this proposal and are preparing arguments against.
o EIGA has officially raised to the Commission the issue concerning its absence in the TPED Notified Body (NoBo) Group, where topics concerning gas industry are discussed. Each WG-1 member has been invited to contact their national authorities on this issue
o WG-1 is maintaining a permanent watch of the proposals of amendment in the transport regulation and a participation to the ADR international meetings (Bern March 2020 cancelled next meeting September 2020)
Cylinders & Valves (WG-2)
o Published documents:
o Doc 100/20 “Hydrogen cylinders and transport vessels”
o Info 25/20 “Crane Transport of cylinder and package”
o TB05/20 “Recommended method for the Determination of Hydrocarbons on Gas”
o TP 58/20 “Safe Design and Handling of Filling Connectors”
o TB 07/20 “Cylinders that Reach the End of Retest Period or Service Life at Customer side”
o Work-in-Progress Documents:
o SI 16 “Fire in Cylinder Regulators in Industrial Oxygen Service”
o Doc 62 “Methods to Avoid and Detect Internal gas Cylinder Corrosion”
o Doc 78 “Leak Detection Fluids Cylinder Package”
o Doc 95 “Avoidance of Failure of CO and of CO/CO2Mixtures Cylinders”
o SI 22 “Potential Hazards of Quick Release Cylinder Valves Used with Firefighting Gases”
o Declaration of lead content > 0, 1% (w/w):REACH group is preparing meeting with WG-2 and WG9, to define a paper WG-2 can work on.
o Ad hoc group AHG-2.3 has been created to work on a possible extension of the 15 years retest to battery vehicles. Draft proposal prepared for ADR 2023. Meeting planned in March 2020 in Geneva postponed due to Covid- 19.
Atmospheric Gases Process & Equipment (WG-3)
o WG-3 is working together with CGA to develop an Industry position with respect to Sumitomo brazed aluminium heat exchanger case.
o 4 documents prepared by AHGs sent for approval
§ DOC 65, “Safe Operation of Reboiler/Condensers in Air Separation Units”
§ DOC 144 “Safe Use of Aluminium-Structured Packing for Oxygen Distillation”
§ DOC 147 “Safe practices guide for cryogenic air separation plants”
o DOC 127 “Bulk Liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon Storage Systems at Production Sites” close to publishing
o DOC 190 “Plant Integrity Management” is in final review
o Work of AHG 3.13 “Leak before break in Flat Bottom Tanks” discontinued. “TB 32-19 Inspection requirements of FBTs” deemed to be sufficient for the time being.
o AHG 3.23 “Inspection of decommissioned Flat Bottom Tanks” is progressing
o AHG S.12 “Perlite Training Package” has completed its work
Specialty Gases (WG-4)
WG-4 met face-to-face in February in Brussels. Doc. 188/2014 Safe Transfer of Toxic Liquefied Gases was finalised (will be sent for approval after last review by Chairman and EIGA representative)
The work on harmonised Doc. 030 Disposal of Gases was closed at the end of April. A final draft is in preparation for review by the different regions
Ad hoc Group AHG-4.10 ISO/TC 158 is involved in the development of ISO 6142-2 Gas analysis — Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Part 2: Gravimetric method for Class II mixtures. The last draft was reviewed with the convenor of the ISO TC-158 committee. The group agreed to several changes in the new draft 11th-revision 3 and prepared a proposal for gravimetric batch filling. This proposal will be presented in the next ISO meeting.
Review of CGA/EIGA proposal to create new UN numbers for disilane and add criteria for pyrophoric mixtures in division 2.1
Cryogenic Vessels (WG-6)
o Published documents:
§ Doc. 224/20 – “Static Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Vessels Operation and Inspection”
§ Doc. 87/20 – “Conversion of Cryogenic Transport Tanks to Oxygen Service”
§ Info 27/20- “Operation of Transportable Vacuum Insulated Containers for Industrial and Medical Gases”
§ Harmonized Doc. 164 (CGA G-6.7) – “Safe Handling of Liquid Carbon Dioxide Containers that have lost pressure”
o Work-in-Progress Documents:
§ Doc 07 - “Metering of Cryogenic Liquids” :Subject submitted for advice to national associations to define next status of this document: update or deletion
§ Doc. 909 – “EIGA Cryogenic Gases Couplings for Tanker Filling”
§ Harmonized Doc. 159/14 (CGA P-18) - “Reciprocating Cryogenic Pumps and Pump Installations”
§ Doc 66 – “Refrigerated Carbon Dioxide Storage at Users Premises”
§ Doc 102 part 9, “Audit Guidelines for Customer installations Regular inspection of cryogenic tanks at customer premises”.
§ Technical Bulletin 11, “Recommendations for the Prevention of Brittle Failure of the Outer Jacket of Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Storage Tanks”
o ISO/TC 220 “Cryogenic vessels”: The next plenary meeting of ISO/TC 220 and WGs will take place the week of June 8th, by net meeting. Format of the meetings will be adapted. WG 3 will be organized on Monday pm (for Europe) and WG 1 on Tuesday pm (or Europe)
§ Under revision:
ISO/AWI 12991 – “Liquefied natural gas (LNG) — Tanks for on-board storage as a fuel for automotive vehicles”
ISO/CD 21009-1 – “Cryogenic vessels — Static vacuum-insulated vessels — Part 1: Design, fabrication, inspection and tests”
(EN) ISO/AWI 21011 – “Cryogenic vessels – Valves for cryogenic service”
ISO/AWI 21013-1 – “Cryogenic vessels – Pressure-relief accessories for cryogenic service – Part 1: Reclosable pressure-relief valves”
ISO/AWI 22103 – “Cryogenic vessels – Tanks for liquefied natural gas on-board storage – Operational requirements for automotive vehicles”
ISO 23208:2017/DAMD 1 – “Cryogenic vessels — Cleanliness for cryogenic service — Amendment 1”
o CEN/TC 268 “Cryogenic vessels and specific hydrogen technologies applications”: The next plenary meeting of CEN/TC 268 should take place on in June 2020.
§ Documents in progress
EN ISO 23208:2019/prA1(WI=00268074) - Cryogenic vessels - Cleanliness for cryogenic service - Amendment 1 (ISO 23208:2017/DAM 1:2019) - Under Approval
EN ISO 17268 (WI=00268067) - Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection devices (ISO/FDIS 17268:2019) - Under Approval
WI=00268071 - Helium cryostat - Protection against excessive pressure - Under Drafting
Revision of EN 17124 ” Hydrogen fuel – Product specification and quality assurance – Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for road vehicles”
EN 17127(WI=00268072) - Outdoor hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and incorporating filling protocols
prEN ISO 21011(WI=00268069) - Cryogenic vessels - Valves for cryogenic service - Under Drafting
Food Gases & CO2 (WG-8)
o Two new representatives from Linde and SIAD replacing previous WG-8 rep.
o Ongoing work (1 web meeting April 2020):
· Doc 67: “CO2 cylinders at users' premises” has been revised and sent for technical review.
· Doc 83: “Recommendations for safe filling of CO2 cylinders and bundles”.
· Doc 125: “Guide to the Supply of Gases for Use in Foods”: this is a key document for food gases. The revision focuses on the difference between food additive and ingredient gases and processing aid gases. It will be updated to refer to new standards in the food sector such as ISO22000 FSSC 22000. The revision of this document also includes an alignment in the terms and definitions used in the Food & CO2 documents with a better clarification about the food gases legal requirements.
· Doc 174: “Guidelines for the Safe Installation and Use of Cryogenic Food Freezing and Cooling Equipment”.
o Food Contact Material (FCM): the European Commission has published a roadmap on the evaluation of the Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 on materials in contact with food in order to assess both the adequacy of existing European legislation and all existing national standards for non-harmonised materials.
Ad-Hoc Group AHG-8.4 prepared a “briefing pack” for Fleishman Hillard in preparation for meeting with DG santé .
Note: the position of the Ministry of Health in Italy was proposed to be included in the briefing pack. The National Research Council of Italy, Florence, produced a study of migration test of the metal contaminants present in the carbon steel cylinder into the food gases. “Migration Processes of Metal Elements from Carbon Steel Cylinders to Food Gases 2014”.
Hydrogen Energy (WG-11)
WG-11 activity is focusing on building common positions within industrial gas companies and other players in the hydrogen (or H2) infrastructure industry, in order to present a common industry view to the various standardisation and regulation bodies. Hydrogen energy is a quite specific activity. The players involved in the H2 infrastructure extend beyond the traditional panel of gas companies. WG-11 regularly includes guests such as Shell, Daimler, BMW, Toyota, Honda, Ford and other players in the field of H2 mobility to support this activity.
The International Standard ISO 19880-1 “General specification for hydrogen refuelling stations” to which WG11 has largely contributed during the past 4 years was published in March 2020.
Last meeting of WG11 was held on March 17 (reformatted as web conference due to COVID 19)
WG11 decided to prepare a position paper on “non communication refuelling”(no information exchange between car and station). Members are emphasising that “communication refuelling” would minimize risks and should be addressed by H2 refuelling station operators.
Meetings scheduled in Feb 2020 with car manufacturers to progress on refuelling risk assessment topic have been postponed due to Covid 19.
WG11 listed the following topics related to establishing the environmental attributes of H2 (the colors of H2) where it may develop a position:
1. Promoting a market based approach instead of a location base approach -> Guarantees of origin that determine the attributes of hydrogen
2. Decarbonisation. The EC thinks that only “green” hydrogen will play a crucial role in the decarbonization. -> Important issue for our industry production plants.
Our sector has a role to play as hydrogen expert. -> develop of a narrative and position for the industrial gases sector about decarbonisation.
3. Emitter Payer Principle.
Acetylene (WG-12)
WG-12 has undertaken the task of revising Doc 123 “Code of Practice – Acetylene” and re-publish it in a set of more manageable shorter documents:
Doc 225 – (Ready for Approved)
Doc 2xx – Operational Issues in Acetylene Plants (Ready for approval)
Doc 2xx - Safe Operation of Acetylene Generator Systems (close to finalisation)
Doc 2xx – Purification, Compression and Drying Of Acetylene
Doc 102.06 – Safety audit / assessment tool – Acetylene plant and cylnider filling is republished
Other topics including regulatory threats / changes:
Definition of future EIGA Acetylene Library – ongoing
Regulation Watch on DMF Restriction (AHG-12.1) – ongoing
Support to WG5 on “Best Available Techniques for Acetylene Production” and “Guidelines for the Management of Waste Acetylene Cylinders” -
Support of SAC on Doc 23 “Safety Training of Employees” and DOC 60 Seveso - Appendix L (Acetylene)
Solve issues with IGV on Doc 212 “Acetylene Installations at Customer Premises”
Comments to CGA about NFPA 55 concerning use of check-valves in acetylene filling manifolds
Making an overview of standards which could be used as design guideline for pressurized acetylene equipment
Future work:
Get other documents from the future EIGA Acetylene Library drafted / reviewed / published and continue work on harmonised documents
HyCO Plants (WG-14)
o This work group is working well as a combined working group with CGA.
§ Doc 185:”StartUp ShutDown Practices Steam Refomers“
§ Doc XXX: “Safe Catalyst Handling in HYCO Plants”
have been sent for approval.
Key objectives and initiatives for 2020, industry impact
· Continue activity for EIGA and industry experts in their involvement with ADR and UN TDG regulations; ISO and CEN work on cylinders, valves, vessels, special gases analytical work and hydrogen energy.
· Ensure best practices as detailed in the documents produced are effectively disseminated and implemented.
· Identify gas industry synergies.
· Continue to learn lessons from accidents/incidents.
· Ensure backlog of documents to be revised is controlled and efficiently managed by each WG.
For information
o IGC is taking part to the CGA lead YIMA task force to expedite incorporation of lessons learnt into changes to existing harmonized documents specifically:
§ CGA P8/ EIGA Doc 147 “Safe practices guide for cryogenic air separation plants”
§ CGA P8.8/ EIGA Doc 170 “Safe Design and Operation of Cryogenic Enclosures”
§ CGA P8.3/ EIGA Doc 146 “Perlite Management”
o IGC is working together with CGA to develop an Industry position with respect to Sumitomo brazed aluminium heat exchanger case.