
WG-1: Transport regulation

Good progress on document revisions

A new work item on fuel cell/fully electric powdered trucks for transportation of Dangerous Goods

New participation of EIGA in the TDG committee at the EU Commission

Amendments to the regulation will result from the BLEVE meetings

An ad-hoc group will study Netherlands proposal for additional valves on H2L tanks

WG-2: Gas Cylinders and Pressure Vessels

Good progress on document revisions

Several Training Packages published: TP 58/20 Safe Design and Handling of Filling Connectors​

TP 62/21 Cylinder Valve Connections​

WG-3: Atmospheric Gases Process & Equipment

Good progress on document revisions

SPP(BAHX) action items closed

YIMA related publications going as scheduled

WG-4: Special Gases

Good progress on document revisions:

Published: Doc 188/20 Safe transfer of toxic liquefied gases​, Doc 30/21 Disposal of gases (harmonized)

Work on ISO 6142-Part (Gravimetric Batch Filling) is progressing

Caution: Availability of experts in specialty gases is a scarcity

WG-6: Cryogenic Vessels

Good progress on document revisions:

Two specific revisions in progress:

Harmonized Doc. 159/14 (CGA P-18) Reciprocating Cryogenic Pumps and Pump Installations

​EIGA Doc 66/08 - Refrigerated Carbon Dioxide Storage at Users Premises

Continuous participation in ISO/TC220 and CEN/TC268

WG-8: Food Gases and CO2

Good progress on document revisions:

Doc 174 Guidelines for the safe installation and use cryogenic food freezing and cooling equipment was published (may have to be revisited depending on the findings of Gainesville’s accident)

Following the last conference call of the AHG 8.4 Food Contact Material a new document was drafted => Title “Guidelines for assessment of materials in contact with food gases”  

WG-11: Hydrogen Energy

Progress and ongoing work on:

-Hydrogen quality standards

-Hydrogen Dispensing

-CO2 allocation methods in H2 production (work in liaison with other WGs)

Coming “new topics”: -Standardization between H2 logistics and H2 refilling station.

-Liquid hydrogen in HRS

WG-12: Acetylene

Good progress on document revisions:

Work on going on splitting “Doc 123 – Code of Practice Acetylene” into smaller more manageable documents in a structured manner.

Regulation Watch on DMF Restriction (AHG-12.1) - ongoing

WG-14: Hydrogen production (previously HyCO)

Kick-off of the new WG on May 4th

WG-18: Nitrous Oxide

Kick-off of the new WG on May 19th

Lessons learnt

Some recent Industry events such as Gainesville Foundation Food Group, and a recent Flat Bottomed Tank lifting (China May 6th) and others, are under watch by the relevant WGs for capturing lessons learnt.